Tripar in the 70s: Further Growth & Exporting Triumphs


As continued sales growth resulted in the need for additional space, in 1972, Tripar had a third expansion of 12,000 square feet bringing its new total to 45,000 square feet.  

The decade of exporting: United States & United Kingdom

The 70s was also the decade that Tripar begin exporting on two fronts; principally by securing distributors in both the US and the UK; 

US: Tripar secured IW Industries as its distributor, located in Melville, New York. Murray Cohen at IW was responsible for adding much of Tripar’s light & lamp parts to its own catalogue. 

IW Catalogue 50+ pages worth of Tripar parts
IW Catalogue 50+ pages worth of Tripar parts
IW catalog showcasing Tripar lighting parts

Having IW as Tripar’s distributor allowed penetration into the US, with IW buying relatively large quantities of many of Tripar’s parts, stocking them in the US, for resale to smaller US light fixture & lamp OEMs. In fact, of IW’s 191 page catalogue, 57 were devoted to stampings; the overwhelming majority made by Tripar. In fact, IW used Tripar’s part numbers for these, but simply added a “4-“ prefix to designate Tripar as supplier #4.

UK: Tripar secured Duba, owned by Philip Frush as its UK distributor, following the same practices and purpose as IW’s. The only difference was shipping costs, which unlike affordable and frequent truck shipments to IW in New York, air shipments to the UK were prohibitive, so periodic consolidation of sufficient orders into a full container was the only, but workable solution. 

During this decade, Tripar also ventured into developing two new products outside of lighting; 

1. Steno Stand: This was a foldable and Adjustable stand for holding loose sheets upright at whatever angle the “typist” chose, to transcribe what was written on the sheets onto her typewriter (not to be sexist, but that’s how it was in the 70s!).

Steno Stand
Steno Stand used for Transcribing Notes

2. Ashtray: With smoking being way more prevalent and accepted than today, Tripar sold not only ashtray parts, but also developed its own. This was based on using one of its deep drawn balls (approx. 3” diameter), tipping the opening on its side, spot welding a base to prevent the ball from rolling, and adding a trap door with a small snout at the front. When the trap door was open it would rest level, leaving the small snout to rest the cigarette on, and the ashes to fall onto. When done, the trap door would be flipped up, allowing the ashes and butts to fall into the ball. These were of course available in gaudy bright colours that were in vogue in the 70s; orange, lime green, and purple to name a few. Back then, it was not uncommon to see press operators at Tripar smoking at their machines, with these ashtrays resting on the press table.  

Tripar’s CFIB Membership

Unrelated to Tripar but most certainly an important moment for founder Ben during this time, was his discovery of the upstart Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) whom Tripar has been a member of for over 50 years now, and whose membership goes 1 additional year prior to its existence!  How is this possible? 

The way the story goes, my Dad was reading the newspaper in the bathtub, and was energized by an article on the business taxation polices of the Canadian government, written by someone by the name of John Bulloch. My Dad tracked John down and wrote him a letter, sympathizing with some of his views, asking if/how he could help. This led to John creating the CFIB, a non-profit federation to both help small business navigate government red tape, as well as lobby governments for policies that would help small businesses thrive, (and ultimately employ more people with their success, which would in turn help the government in terms of revenue generated from personal income taxes). So, Tripar is credited with having joined the CFIB one year before its creation! Ben was also on the CFIB’s Board of Directors for many years, and has remained a founding member, or rather since 1 year before its official founding. 

Lloyd learning the family business

The late 70s is when I graduated from high school, 1978 to be exact. Being fortunate to know what I wanted to be when I “grew up” (besides an astronaut or race car driver), was a Mechanical Engineer. The usual path for this was to go to CEGEP (Quebec’s college program) in Pure & Applied Sciences for 2 years, which was the precursor to permit entry into many science & engineering university programs. Knowing before this that becoming a Mechanical Engineer was my ultimate aim, I decided to take a 3-year CEGEP program to first become a Mechanical Engineering Technologist. Though this would add an extra year to my studies, I felt having earlier and targeted mechanical engineering related courses would be of greater benefit in the end. 

 This of course allowed me to be more “useful” to Tripar. So part-time during my studies, as well as during the summer holidays, I began to work in the maintenance department. With the work there being much less repetitive, it was both more interesting, as well as giving me the opportunity to learn things such as welding & machining, and eventually to the toolroom, where I learned much about dies and toolmaking. 

 1979 was not only Tripar’s 30th anniversary but also the year of its fourth expansion, adding 22,500 square feet, and bringing its new footprint to 67,500 square feet. 

Tripar’s founding & the early years (1949-59)


This article features the experience of Tripar’s founder, Ben Sevack’s from England to Montreal during the pivotal years of 1923 to 1949. Additionally, we’ll shift more into the foundational period of Tripar, spanning from its establishment in 1949 to the first 10 years in business.

Continue reading

Tripar Default Manufacturing Tolerances

Do you have a project in mind but not sure what tolerances to use? Don’t worry we got you covered. Here’s a overview that you can use to build your product.

In the absence of the client providing a drawing with agreed upon tolerances, the part(s) shall be manufactured as the per clients supplied CAD model, with the following Tripar default manufacturing tolerances:

The sketch above is for illustrative purposes only. 

Table 1. Default Tolerances

DIMTolerance (“ ±)Description
±0.010”Holes1 & linear dimensions of flat pieces < 0.5”
±0.015Holes1 & linear dimensions of flat pieces 0.5”< 4.0”
±0.020Holes1 & linear dimensions of flat pieces 4.0” < 12.0”
Upon ReviewHoles1 & linear dimensions of flat pieces > 12.0”
A±0.010End to hole or bend
B±0.010Hole center-to-center (on one surface/plane)
C±0.015Bent edge to hole2
D±0.020Distance over 2 bends2
EUndefined (TBD)Distance over 3 or more bends2
F± 2° Angles3
R1-2X Material thickness Inside bend radii

1 If the hole is not round, the above ranges apply to the largest dimension in the opening.

2 As measured nearest to bend(s). 

3 Thin metals have some flexibility, and thus can deflect, even under their own weight. As such, tolerance applies up to 1” from the bend. For reference; 2° over 1” = .034”. 

For those who provide, or are considering providing their own tolerance drawings, please see the following two TriparTech article on this subject, as well a sound sheet metal design practices; 


Surface Finish:  Shall be in accordance with material specified and associated governing specifications. 

Formed or bent parts may have small surface blemishes near the areas of transition. 

Residue: Metal fabricated parts are often produced and may be shipped with lubricants or dry film lubricants. 

Protective Film: For raw materials which come with a protective film, parts shall be provided with this film, to help protect the parts until you, the customer remove when desired.


Small burrs are an inherent part of metal stamping & fabrication processes. Being nearly impossible to quantify & measure, unless otherwise specified parts are provided in their “as stamped” or “as fabricated” condition. 

Selecting a Metal Fabricator and/or Metal Stamping Co! What to look for, and why the combination is best… if you can find one …😉

Dealing with the wrong supplier is a costly and frustrating experience for any OEM!

Poor quality parts. Late deliveries. Cost overruns. Price disputes. Loss of trust. Loss of sales. 

That’s why selecting the right supplier should NEVER be taken lightly. 

And if your supplier also delivers non-conforming parts or is late, price is quickly forgotten and your net price is increased given the problems caused by the failures, customer disappointments, late deliveries, and the loss of customers! 

Don’t just look at price when you deal with suppliers! Look at reliability and value. 

Finding the right strategic partner is key to ensuring a smooth painless production and delivery to your facility every time. That is normal when you deal with the right supplier. Things run like a well-oiled machine.

"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten."

What to look for in a metal fabricator or stamping company

Going deeper still

The above factors are discussed below in no particular order. Rather, it is up to you to prioritize those which you feel are most important in evaluating and selecting your supplier of metal fabricated & stamped parts.

Quality: Find out if/what quality standards the supplier is certified to, e.g., ISO9001, or adhering to, e.g. CSA Standard CAN3-Z299.4-85. Ask what other systems they have in place, their defect rates, how they deal with non-conforming raw material, WIP, and final products. Better yet, visit their facility, to see if what they claim is really happening!

Delivery: Ask what their lead times are, and how this compares with their historical delivery performance. Ask for reports to back up any claims.

Customer Service: How communicative and timely is the supplier’s Customer Service, from order acknowledgments and replies to inquiries, to shipping information? What is their shipping policy, e.g., do they offer prepaid & charge terms of service? Do they truly look out for you, their customer? Examples include notifying you ahead of time should there be any issue with your order, or keeping tabs of your orders/ trends; reaching out to you if these indicate that you could potentially run out of stock. The bottom line is; in today’s demanding and fast paced world, how easy are they to deal with?!

Engineering: Is any engineering support provided? 

This could be any of the following; review of tolerances, drawing/model support/assistance, and tool design. Please see also Design for Manufacturability (DFM), Part 1.

DFM is not necessarily limited to a supplier offering suggestions to make the part more manufacturable, but also to;

    – Reduce cost = reduced price to you!
    – Suggest modifications to take advantage of any existing tooling the supplier may have! Please see also Design for Manufacturability (DFM), Part 2.

Processes: A metal fabricator typically uses flexible CNC sheet metal equipment such as CNC punch presses, lasers, and press breaks which usually require more labor but little to no tooling, thus are best suited for low-mid volumes

A metal stamper typically uses punch presses, which require less labor, but hard tooling, typically dies, thus are best suited for mid-high volumes. Please see also Metal Fabrication vs Metal Stamping for Sheet Metal Components.

A case for hybrid manufacturing

For every 100 metal fabricators, there are approximately 15 metal stampers, and perhaps only 5 that do both (“hybrid manufacturing”). The last being the most advantageous. Why? Because a manufacturer that has both will look at your part’s complexities, lot qty(s), and your EAUs, and quote based on the process(es) that work to your best advantage.

Besides being the right and honest thing to do, this is also the smartest way to operate; if that supplier solves your problem for the lowest possible cost, they have a much greater likelihood of having you as their loyal customer… for life! Please see also Hybrid Manufacturing, Options to Metal Fabrication vs Metal Stamping.

Marketing: Look at the manufacturer’s website, then challenge them on anything you doubt, they claim, or to address and answer your questions. Look for independent articles or reviews of them, as well as any awards they may have received. Challenge them to back up any claims! 

Location: With supply change challenges, be it from a pandemic, to rising fuel/transport costs, to lead time, ask where are their parts produced? How far is this from you? 

If produced in another country, do they have export experience? Are there any import duties

Local manufacturers have a huge speed advantage. You don’t have to wait 3 or 4 months (or more) to get your parts from China, to later realize that there are quality issues with it.

Please see also The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Impacts Canadian Metal Stamping and CNC Fabricators.

Customers: Ask what markets they serve. Do any align with yours? If so, what are the advantages of working with a supplier who has expertise in your market? Have they offered any customer testimonials? If not, can they provide the contact information of some? 

Tooling: Die design, manufacture, maintenance & repair are all critical not only to offer maximum competitiveness, but to also ensure that a customer’s supply is free from defects and the supply chain is reliable. 

Does the supplier do their own die design? Do they have an in-house toolroom to support all related activitiesDo they prioritize maintenance and repairs to ensure uninterrupted and reliable delivery? 

Please see also The Benefits Of Having A In-House Toolroom.

Culture: What are their values? Do they align with your own? These can be anything from workplace safety and environmental sensitivity, to employee apprenticeships, training & advancement opportunities.

Sustainability: What environmentally sound practices does the supplier prescribe to? Do their processes create any effluent? If so, how are these recycled or disposed of? Do they recycle wherever possible? What measures have they put in place to reduce energy consumption? 

Safety: What priority and practices does the supplier have with respect to worker safety? Is there a safety committee? Does it meet regularly? How often? Are action items documented? Do they meet or exceed all required OSHA or other imposed safety regulations? What is their accident rate or history? Please see also The Importance Of Safety In The Metal Fabrication Industry In 2022.

If it wasn’t already evident, choosing (or switching) your supplier(s) of metal fabricated or stamped parts should be about much more than price and even quality. Challenge them on all the above points before taking the plunge or making a switch! 

Ben’s 100th Birthday!

Ben’s 100th Birthday!

May 23rd sets another milestone in Tripar’s history. Ben Sevack, founder of Tripar, is 100 years old!

Ben, born in London in 1923, grew up assisting his father in his photographic studio. When World War II began, he turned his technical skills towards manufacturing surgical instruments for the war effort and joined the Home Guard. Enduring the relentless bombings of "the Blitz," his hometown was attacked 71 times over 267 days, culminating in the devastation of his own home.

In 1942, Ben was called up for service and recruited by the Royal Engineers due to his technical background. After basic training, he specialized in maintaining field surveying instruments. Despite the army's need for frontline soldiers, a perceptive Brigadier recognized Ben's tradesman experience and allowed him to proceed to Naples.

After the war, Ben embarked on a transformative journey to Canada, determined to forge a new path for himself. In 1949, fueled by his determination for success, he seized the opportunity to establish Tripar in Montreal, the city that welcomed him. Interestingly, the initial press Ben acquired had a fascinating history—it still held the die used for manufacturing ammunition shells.

Little did he know that this fortuitous encounter would shape the destiny of his venture and become an integral part of his legacy.

Ben has always been a passionate traveler, deriving immense joy from exploring new destinations and immersing himself in diverse cultures. His adventurous spirit extends to horseback riding, a passion that allowed him to connect with the natural world and experience new adventures. Language acquisition is another area where Ben excels. Having mastered five languages, several while stationed during the war; besides English, he also speaks Italian, German, Spanish and French, effortlessly communicating and connecting with people from various linguistic backgrounds. These hobbies not only showcase Ben's versatility but also reflect his insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge in different aspects of life.

He has three grandchildren and 4 (soon to be 5) great-grandchildren whom he is very proud of and deeply cherishes and loves. It was lovely spending his birthday all together.

New Capabilities, Stocked Items & Employees Testimonials

New Capabilities: 3 x Trumpf TruPunch 1000

We are pleased to announce our increased CNC capabilities thanks to the acquisition of two additional Trumpf TruPunch 1000 machines.

These CNC Punch Press Machines punch and form sheet metals, such as Galvanized, Cold-Rolled, and Stainless Steel & Aluminum up to 10 gauge (0.140”) thickness.

Stocked Items

Looking to find out what items Tripar stock? A green “In Stock” logo was recently introduced to our online catalog to identify these. If you're looking for a specific item, and you see this green logo, it means that we can supply and ship those items within 48h of receiving your purchase order.

Employee Testimonials

Ever wondered what it’s like to work at Tripar? Visit our Employee Testimonials page.